What is Circumbaikal Railway?
The Circumbaikal Railway is the south-western part of the coast of Lake Baikal. Slightly less than 100 kilometers between the Shaman-stone in the source of the River Angara and Shamansky cape under Slyudyanka. These are capes, crags, cliffs, coves. These are picturesque river valleys, the most beautiful views of lake. This is a rare species of plants and birds. The Circumbaikal Railway - is tunnels, bridges, viaducts, retaining walls and galleries. Man-made structures, they are unique to fit into the surrounding terrain. The Circumbaikal Railway - is a place of pilgrimage of tourists, artists, scientists and athletes. And this is one of the most beautiful places of the world.
How do I get to Circumbaikal Railway
The Circumbaikal Railway is located on the southwestern shore of Lake Baikal in eastern Siberia. Baikal spread among Asian lands halfway between the Ural Mountains and the Pacific coast. At 80 kilometers from the lake is the Russian city of Irkutsk. See map ...
The Circumbaikal Railway have two gates: the western - Slyudyanka, Kultuk, Angasolka and eastern - the port and station Baikal. The main operations - rail. Road to Circumbaikal Railway not at all. Driving here can be reached only in the winter on Baikal ice. In addition, there are water lines. But for these strangers has always been, is and will be hiking trails.
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What to do at the Circumbaikal Railway?
Circumbaikal Railway – a wonderful place to relax. Breath of the mighty Lake Baikal, the water surface to the horizon in the frame of mountains. The coastline, indented cliffs and steep rocks. Rivers and streams, announced its existence life noise. Here, away from the pandemonium and bustle of cities is easy to forget the worries and anxieties. Rote and surprisingly starry night sky has exacerbated a sense of grandeur of nature and the futility of human rages.Read more ...
Circumbaikal Railway. What is originality?
Circumbaikal Railway lies on the narrow coastal strip. To place a track in the rocks everywhere cut shelves. Put walls to expand and strengthen the road. Trench capes through tunnels and rock formations, building bridges and viaducts over rivers. Many rivers and streams because of their steep mores had put in stone troughs, tubes, trays. Also strengthens and rocks. Judge for yourself. Builders built 41 tunnel . Of those, 40 survived. The total length of tunnels of about nine and a half kilometers. It was built 15 stone and 3 of reinforced concrete galleries. Through rivers, streams, hollows were transferred about 470 large and small bridges and 6 viaducts. To protect the road was built around 270 different fortification: retaining walls, paving and miscellaneous. It was built 18 stone pipes and trays. By some estimates for every 100 meters of the road have a technical engineering construction. This impresses you? All of this must see for yourself.
Circumbaikal Railway. How it all began?
At the beginning of XX century, engineers and workers from Russia and many countries of the world have paved the railroad around the southern tip of Lake Baikal. The road connected the Irkutsk station and Mysovaya station on the opposite bank. The work was carried out in two phases. The first path built from 1901 to 1905, the second path built from 1911 to 1915 years. The most difficult was the construction of the western section of road between the Port Baikal and Kultuk. Road builders have had to face untold hardships. Path blocking numerous cliffs and capes protruding into the sea. Lining the road made it difficult fissures of rocks, vyvaly soil, underground water. The work was carried out in severe weather conditions. Disorder of life and lack of proper medical care have led to disease. Avalanches and falling rocks from the cause of numerous accidents. Mortality among the builders of the western section of Circumbaikal Railway was very high.
Future of Circumbaikal Railway.
The Circumbaikal Railway is located on the ground Pribaikalsky National Park and is the property of Russia. And Russia must fully possess this treasure, to be prudent mistress. Now roads are managed by Open Joint Stock Company Russian Railways. Circumbaikal Railway line, although deadlock is still valid and required expenses for their content. Railroad workers involved in the prevention and clearing of debris, which happens quite frequently here. Caring for the roadway is also not cheap. And tunnels, and bridges are delivering a lot of trouble. In the general terms of a waste.
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